Wednesday, March 24, 2010


This is what I’ve been doing for most of my day: reading Fed Up with Lunch.  It’s amazing.  It’s (obviously) taken off since January 1st when she started the project.  And it’s about it.  So here’s the deal: Mrs. Q has decided to eat school lunch every (school)day for a year.  (Poor woman.) And then she posts it.  And now she has guest bloggers who talk about school lunches around the country and around the world, nutrition information, and school lunch news.  This is all related to something that’s really interested me lately.

Here it is: We all have anecdotes that prove to us that sugar makes kids impossible to deal with.  So why so much high fructose corn syrup in their meals?  And we all know that good nutrition helps students succeed in school – why else would we preach to them that it’s important to eat a healthy, well-balanced meal before the Test?


So here’s a way you can help: Email your Representatives & Congressmen in one (or a couple) clicks.  It’s easy.  Do it here.  And then do it here to send a fax!

Revamping the School Lunch Program works really well with Michele Obama’s Let’s Move campaign.  As does making sure that your schools don’t get rid of recess.  (Because they’re doing that now!)

This Farm-to-School Improvement Act sounds like a great thing too.  Did I tell you about Jamie Oliver’s TED speech?  Have you watched his new show on ABC?

Well, I know there’s more to say, but I’m trying to watch Survivor (yes, that’s right) and my daughter is banging around in her crib even though it’s 9:42 pm.  (Thank God for DVR!)


PS – We had a great day today and even went for a walk in the park.  Emma has proven that she loves to try to eat grass and leaves.  She also played on the swings for the first time (big smiles!) and almost fell down a slide.  More on that some other time.  :)

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